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  PhotoMashatu Hides
What are Photographic hides?

These are structures built to specifically maximise the photographic potential of the subjects that visit them. These hides can be used to view animals in the normal manner, but have been positioned to consider the angle of the sun, the background as well as the angle you are to the animals and birds. If you are a photographer you will notice all of these things immediately and it will enable you to get some absolutely stunning photographs. The results of the images taken form the hides have been published in many magazines and books as well as have won some major awards. This is an indication of just how well the hides are built for photographers. The PhotoMasahtu wildlife photographer will accompany you in the hides. They will help tutor you with the various camera techniques to ensure you get your great images. Have a look at the following video which gives you a beautiful overview of what you can expect at the Matebole Underground Elephant hide.


Why Mashatu?
  • Mashatu is a semi-arid area. This means animals are attracted to water in the dry season (June – October), making it an excellent location to allow animals to come to you.
  • Drying pools in the rivers attract flocks of storks and herons late in the rainy season (February – May), where the semi-permanent hides will be in use.
  • Excellent elephant sightings for the elephant hides.
  • Excellent birdlife for the bird photographs.
  • Open landscape that makes for easy photographing of wildlife.
  • Excellent and healthy predator population.

The concession

PhotoMashatu will have resident wildlife photographers based at Main camp to help guest photographers when they are at camp. They can hire out the use of the photographer to join them on game drives as well as for the photographic hides. He/she will also be available for tutor sessions in camp during the day. Additionally, you can hire out the PhotoMashatu vehicle, in which you will be accompanied by your own personal photographic guide. All guest photographers booking and using the photographic hides will be booked through Mashatu reservations as an additional activity. This will be charged as per the photographic concession rates. Guests at Mashatu may use the hides for normal game viewing purposes as well as photography, but still accompanied by the PhotoMashatu guide.


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Matebole Hide Valley Hide Bee-Eater Hide
Matebole Photo Hide Valley Photography Hide Bea-Eater Bird Photo Hide

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